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Terms of service

About "Nokumo"

SmartIT Integrated Software Solutions Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) together with its partners is the author and owner of the Nokumo application and related website, and acts as a service provider.

"Nokumo" is a web application designed for real-time booking and organizing of tourist accommodation. Nokumo is a SaaS (software as a service) solution.

The "Nokumo" application (hereinafter: the Application) enables hotels, tourist agencies, and accommodation owners to easily manage tourist capacities, reservations, and other operations, greatly facilitating the organization of such businesses.

As the owner of the Application, SmartIT is responsible for technology development and may change the content of the application to improve or expand services.

Meaning of terms

A User is a natural or legal person who registers to use the Application to simplify their activities, which include booking and organizing tourist accommodation. A User can be a natural or legal person who owns accommodation facilities, a tourist agency acting as an intermediary in reservations and organization of accommodation facilities, hotels, hostels, and all other forms involved in accommodation services. In the case of a User being a legal entity, the profile on the Application is managed by an authorized person on behalf of the User.

A Guest is any person who uses the Application as a browser to facilitate finding accommodation, regardless of whether they register and finalize the accommodation or use the application for informational purposes.

Parties are individuals bound by these Terms. By registering on the Application, the User accepts the Company's General Terms and establishes a legal relationship.

The Nokumo Application is an online platform owned by the Company, intended to facilitate reservation and organization for both registered Users providing accommodation services and Guests.

An invoice is a document issued by the Company to the User after establishing a business relationship and defining the service according to the existing subscription price list. The invoice is a credible document suitable for collecting claims through enforcement, as stated on each issued invoice.

General Terms

The General Terms (hereinafter: Terms) regulate the contractual relationship between the Company and the Accommodation Service Provider (hereinafter: User), both of whom are obliged to adhere to them for the entire duration of the contract, from registration on the Application and acceptance of the General Terms of use until deactivation of the User's account (profile). By accepting the General Terms of use, the User agrees to all provisions contained therein, including but not limited to the price list, data processing responsibility, and similar. The Company has the right to change all provisions of the General Terms of use, of which the User will be duly informed, and the User may deactivate the profile and stop using the Application if they do not agree with them, respecting the provisions of these Terms.

Data entry

Data entry necessary for reservations, both for advertising accommodation facilities and for reservations by Guests, is available without restrictions 24 hours a day, and the User and the person making the reservation (hereinafter: Guest) are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data. The User is responsible for the accuracy of available dates, addresses, accommodation unit prices, amenities and offers, and for the security of the data collected for reservation purposes and other information necessary for User activities. The Guest is responsible for the accuracy of the data required for accommodation reservation entered when using the Application.

The Company is not responsible in any way for any damage caused by the use of inaccurate data by the User or the Guest.

Right of use

The Company grants the User a limited right to use the Application and necessary user documentation, or access data, as determined by these Terms. The User is authorized to use the Application's features in accordance with these provisions and legal regulations. The Application may only be used on behalf of the registered User and for the purpose for which the Application is intended, namely to enable accommodation providers and tourist agencies to efficiently organize accommodation reservations and similar.

Fees and payments

The Application usage price list is an integral part of the Terms, and by registering and accepting the Terms, the User commits to paying the fee for using the Company's services and for completed reservations, according to the Price List. The price list is subject to change at the discretion of the Company, of which the User will be informed via registered email. Changes to the price list will be published on the Company's official website.

For each service provided, the Company will issue an invoice to the User containing information about the contracting parties, the subject (service package), date of issue and due date, payment method, amount, and notice that it is a credible document.

The User can pay for the Application usage services via a transaction account.

Payment for using the Application is made monthly in arrears, with the Company issuing an invoice to the User for services used in the previous month.

The Company may separately negotiate payment models for its services with each User according to the Price List.


The Company issues an invoice to the User for the selected and executed service according to the Price List. The invoice can be issued in physical or electronic form or both.

Credit card

Credit card payment is only possible between the Guest and the User of the Application (accommodation provider) for providing accommodation services, while the Company acts as an intermediary for providing information and does not enter into a financial transaction in any way.

Price list

The price list is an integral part of the Terms and contains information about the cost of using the Application, the duration of the subscription, the possibility of discounts, and the amount of the discount. By accepting these Terms, the User also accepts the Price List. The Company reserves the right to change the price list, of which the User will be notified.

User support

User support is provided through the website and email.

Legal status and User obligations

The User is a legal entity with all rights and obligations as provided by the laws of the Republic of Croatia.

The User is obliged to respect the laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia and to act in accordance with the applicable legal framework when using the Application. The User must provide accurate and up-to-date information during registration and update it as necessary. The User is responsible for the security of their username and password and for all activities performed through their User profile. The User is obliged to inform the Company immediately in case of unauthorized use of their User profile.

The User is obliged to pay the agreed fee for using the Application according to the Price List. Failure to pay the fee on time may result in the termination of the contractual relationship between the User and the Company.

Data protection

The User is responsible for protecting personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant regulations.

The Company processes personal data in accordance with the GDPR and other relevant regulations. By accepting these Terms, the User also agrees to the processing of their data by the Company to use the Application and provide services.

Termination of the contract

The User can terminate the contract at any time by deactivating their User profile. The Company can terminate the contract with the User if the User violates the provisions of these Terms or the Price List.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

These Terms and the contractual relationship between the User and the Company are governed by the laws of the Republic of Croatia.

All disputes arising from these Terms and the contractual relationship between the User and the Company will be resolved amicably. If an amicable resolution cannot be reached, the competent court in Zagreb, Croatia, shall have jurisdiction over any disputes.

Other provisions

The Company reserves the right to change these Terms at any time without prior notice. The User will be informed of any changes to the Terms via registered email.

If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

These Terms are written in Croatian and English, and in case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Croatian version shall prevail.

These Terms enter into force on the day of their publication on the Company's official website.

By registering on the Application, the User confirms that they have read, understood, and agree to these Terms and the Price List.